Thursday, February 19, 2009

Australia and New Zealand

Sky Tower, Auckland

Piha Beach, North Island

Phillip Island, Australia

Twelve Apostles, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Lucienne and Sharon (cousin)

Maori artefacts, Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch Cathedral


Albatross, Kaikoura

Whale-watching, Kaikoura

Kaikoura coastline

Seal colony, Kaikoura

Nelson Beach, Nelson

Hokitika Gorge, Hokitika

Franz Josef Glacier

Fox Glacier

Pancake Rocks, West Coast

Our home in New Zealand

West Coast

Abel Tasman National Park

On the way to Queenstown
Lucienne in the kitchen


Lake Hawea

Lake Matheson


Bobbie Carroll said...

Hi, I live in Piha and my daughter lives in Phillip Island :)

You have captured the very essence of NZ and all the places I am so familiar with and love.


Temporary Fat Boy said...

inthom żgur mhux qegħdin tieħdu r-ritratti minn fuq il-postcards? :-þ

wisq sbieħ... :-)

daż-żmien kollu, u iva... għadna ngħiru għalikom! :-þ

ħudu ħsieb!

mcneill said...

Oh my, what beautiful photographs. You two must be feeling rich from all you have seen. As I plan my own world travels, I am inspired by yours. I look forward to hear more.

Best wishes,

Unknown said...

I want to join you now ....
What happens next ?

Keep enjoying the world and the summer

Take care

WhiteShadow said...

to put it simple: wonderful

Unknown said...

Hi Aaron u Lucienne!

We are simply amazed by these photos! Truly, God is an artist ... and you are his ambassadors! :)

Prosit tassew. Kull darba li naraw Travel Channel (u nixxennqu li qeghdin hemm) niftakru fikom u nghidu "Min jaf fejn qeghdin?" Ta' min taghmlu xi programm fuqu 'l quddiem, x'tahsbu?

L-isbah xewqat

Chris u Astrid-Marie

jean paul said...

hi aron! really beautiful pictures and brought me back some memories... was in melbourne this time last year :)

Unknown said...

Hey mes amis

Many thanks for the wonderful postcard from NZ.
Hope that you're still doing very well somethere in this planet.
Take care and all the best

Nicolas and Aurelie (on the way to go back soon to France in the South west very close to Spain...)